PHP template assembly glue engine

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The 9 goals of tag-Engine

I thought listing the goals I wish to meet with tag-Engine will help put the "point" of tag-Engine into perspective. So here they are...

1. Create an easy to learn syntax.
2. Allow database abstraction on the fly in templates.
3. Simplify the way tags communicate with the iterator so they are easy to develop.
4. Make content from the database accessible from multi-layered templates.
5. Develop an intelligent page querying system.
6. Simplify the interaction between tags so that they can be used as functions OR modifers.
7. Smart cacheing of sub templates based on global variables.
8. A system that will on it's own work with any normalized database. (plug and play)
9. Create an open platform that supports a community where beginners and experts can contribute fixes and new features.

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